Monday, December 18, 2017

About the Final Quiz and Course Grades

The Final Quiz has concluded, as I'm sure you all know. The third and fifth questions produced perfect scores, which is reassuring since they were on previous quizzes.  The second question, on the principal-agent model, had the lowest mean.  It framed the issues in a non-geometric way and some of you didn't translate it well.  In a nutshell, if you reduce the spread between wL and wH, you weaken incentives.  If you hold one payment fixed and vary the other payment, you impact both the spread and the mean.  If the mean payment goes down, then the outside option become preferred. 

If I were into testing you, all the questions would be written in this manner - to translate into a different way of considering the issue.  Being able to translate the economics shows understanding.  But, as I said earlier in the semester, this sort of testing makes sense for intermediate micro, but doesn't really make sense for our course, as what we studied isn't a prerequisite for anything else.

The Course Grades have been uploaded into Moodle.  I will get them into Banner either later this afternoon or tomorrow morning.

I used a more generous grade distribution than was announced in the syllabus, so I hope everyone is satisfied with what they received.  This is the distribution I actually used.

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