If you'd like to see what I attended, take a look here. In some sense it was like a return to being an undergraduate. I sat through a full lecture where more than 90% of the presentation was over my head! But when it is your brother who is giving the lecture it has interests for other reasons. I didn't check my phone once during the entire thing.
I've done a quick scan of YouTube, where I see the video meant as a substitute for yesterday's class has gotten some hits (the data about minutes watched hasn't been processed yet) and I saw in Moodle that 16 students completed the softball quiz associated with the video. We'll discuss this a bit tomorrow as we try to catch up.
I want to note here the two additional obligations before the Thanksgiving break. There is a blog post due tomorrow on conflict. In some sense this post is on the opposite end of the spectrum for the one for last week. By contrasting the two I believe there will be more meaning for you in each case. Then, of course, second drafts of your project papers are due a week from Friday.
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