As still one other alternative, you can have a blog in Moodle, which is then not publicly available. Truthfully, this is much less convenient than the other alternatives. But it protects your privacy the most because the the rest of the world doesn't have access to the Moodle class site. If you want to pursue this alternative you must contact me about it. I have to set it up for you.
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The instructions below and in the next post are aimed at setting up your blog so that you post under your alias - nobody outside the class will know who you are - and make sure that everybody understands this is a blog of a student, not of the person from whom the alias was constructed.
The video below was made for the class from a few years ago. It is applicable still, though Blogger has changed a bit since. Also note, that it assumes you are making a new Gmail account just for this use. As an alternative, you can use your non-university Gmail account equally well, if you are not already using Blogger with it. Do not use your campus email. That will not work.
Note that in video where it says My Econ 490 Alias, your alias is of the form Famous Economist Econ 490 fall 2017. Also that that for the url of the blog, you should take the spaces out, but for the name of the blog and your screen name, you should leave the spaces in. (And for the screen name, the name of the famous economist suffices. The rest is redundant.)
The main thing is to use the Blogger Profile, not the Google Plus profile. The Blogger Profile is what allows you to post under an alias. See the image below. You can find this on your blog dashboard under Settings, then User Settings.
We discovered today that the publish@illinois alternative is not really viable because they've changed the commenting policy to only allow people who are logged in to comment.